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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jessie updates

Champions---Jessie last person to the right on bottom row
Grades are out:  Jessie received all A's.  This was her goal, being that she received one B on the last report card.  Way-to-go Jess!

Jessie our little athlete, is going to begin her first basketball practice tonight.  She was playing around with some girls on her soccer team and was asked if she would like to join a competitive team.  Jessie eagerly accepted!  Competitive in nature, she has been at the park or in our garage practicing nightly.  Her biggest fear is not being able to keep up or being an asset to the team.  As many of you know, that won't be a problem; however, this will be a good switch for her.  She has always excelled in soccer at such a high level, and now she is stretching herself--our hopes are that this opportunity will build character being in a different comfort zone.  Those challenges will develop her into a strong, independent, self confident young lady! 

ODP  (Olympic Development Program):  Jessie received a letter a few weeks ago from the Olympic Development Program.  As she began to read it, she realized that she was one of a hand selected group of girls to receive an opportunity to train with the best of the best in Colorado within her age group.  After reading the letter, her eyes lit up.  Immediately she was up for the opportunity.  Currently she has practiced with this program for about two weeks, and already has been complemented by several coaches; it's a positive sign when they know your name.  We are excited for her, and can't wait to see what God has planned for her.  Regardless if she is chosen to join the team in two years or not, the training in itself is invaluable.  We will keep you posted... 

Prayer:  At church last week, Jessie received a red dotted sticker to reminder her of the troubles that are occurring in Japan.  She has made it a priority to pray daily for those who have been affected by the tragedy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Graduation is Around the Corner

Many have asked about Cameron's Graduation.  Invitations will go out later this week, so be on the look-out.  Cameron is still pursuing a career in either law enforcement or fire fighting.  After he graduates, he plans to attend a local college for a degree in either field.  While attending college, he plans to apply for the cadet program or basics in a fire department.  Cam is passionate about serving others, and he continues to look for career opportunities that will support his calling.

Cameron was able to practice his long awaited career, well kind of.  Cameron came into my classroom during an immigration lesson.  My third graders were reenacting the movement through Ellis Island.  A close friend allowed Cam to borrow his uniform for the reenactment.  Cameron helped organize lines, keep the crowd in order, and tap the shoulder of those who did not make the health requirements (93 students.)  Cameron received raving reviews from everyone in attendance...he even received compliments from the Principal! 

I have always known Cameron was responsible and goal driven, but it was warming to hear so many educated people who found him refreshing and impressive to talk with.  Within the next month, he plans to schedule a few ride a longs with two different departments (friends have volunteered to take him) in hopes to find out more about the duties he would perform.  Cameron at a young age knew that he wanted to serve his community, and he is still determined to find a way to do so! 

Missy is Growing Up Too Fast!

Homecoming Picture

Fall 2010--Missy is blossoming before our eyes!  She went to Homecoming with a group of friends she has grown up with...No BOYS, according to Dad!  When the dance was over, she came home with endless memories that will forever bond her relationship with her closest friends.   

March 2011--YEAH for Missy!  Missy tried out for her High School Soccer Team.  Three teams were formed, and Missy was one of three freshmen who made the JV team.  She is also one of three freshmen who have been asked to sit the bench for Varsity games.  It amazes us to see how determined and dedicated she is to push herself beyond her comfort zone; we couldn't be more proud! As Missy continues to reach for the moon, we believe that with God's guidance, she will be one who lands amongst the stars!