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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Living the Good Life

Jessie embracing the meaning of playing hard. 

 Jessie recently had tryouts for her first competitive team.  She made the top team in the north area and her team just won first place in the Stenger Tournament at the Gold level--Congratulations Jessie!!!
 Having a few friends over for a camp out.  The girls played in the tent and roasted marshmallows.  With the extra marshmallows the girls decided to play a game called Chubby Bunny.  The object of this game is to stuff one marshmallow in your mouth at a time and say, "Chubby Bunny."  The girl with the most marshmallows in their mouth and can say Chubby Bunny wins.  Jessie and Kyla tied! 

 Just Dance and air hockey games take over the basement...
 Who said girls like to play dress-up, put on make-up, and play Barbies???
 Not a moments rest...the minute the sun came up, they were off GoKarting and trampoline competitions.
 The girls were inspired by the Chalk Festival that took place Downtown.  They decided to take over the driveway to display their creativity.  Daddy was the judge...funny how they both were voted the most creative artists of the day.