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Monday, October 10, 2011

September...Where did it go?

September flew by...

The start to a new year always brings in craziness for both our home life and work schedules.  The kids are back in school, soccer schedules fill up each evening, basketball is up and going, and choir schedules are back on the calendar.  School however, is a top priority and all of our kiddos are doing a wonderful job so far.  Jessie was the first of her class to receive a "Great Grizzly" for being a thoughtful student.  The principal called home to share in the great news (he even sent me a scanned copy of the certificate-perks for working in the district.)  Missy has all A's and is going to have her first choir performance this Tuesday.  College life for Cameron has suited him well.  His writing continues to amaze me--he truly is gifted in this area and that's not the mom in me talking. Devyn and him are still together and going strong.  We are lucky to be blessed with such an amazing girl in Cameron's life (she is faith driven, educated, and goal orientated.)

Looking back, September brought us many highlights...
We went to Red Rocks a couple of days before
Cameron's first day of school to make sure
he knew where his classes were located.
After attending his fire science classes,
Cameron knew he was going into a profession that
he would love for the rest of his life.
 Happy 18th Birthday Cameron!
Finally Cameron turns 18.  He has always been the baby
of his class and is excited to finally be an "adult" or at least that's what he thinks!
Morning of Cameron's birthday, September 4, 2011.  It has
been a family tradition to wake up at 5:00 am to open presents.
I don't know how this got started, but here we are in the basement
opening presents at the crack of dawn.

Happy 11th Birthday Jessie!
Rise and shine, little Jessica.
A couple of days later, Jessie receives her wake up call.
 Happy Birthday Jessie, September 7, 2011. 
She has been waiting for an Ipod
touch and was ecstatic to finally receive one.
 It's rough being the youngest.

Cameron's 18th Birthday and Jessie's 11th with family at
Outback...yummm!  I took pictures with my Iphone..
sorry about the eyes looking a little zombie like.

Happy 60th Birthday Mom!
Oma turned 60 and celebrated with
family and dear friends. 

Family photos... 

Keltch's Gather Around.
My mom is so darn cute...she
truly loves the life God has given her.  She cherishes the small
things in life as they are the things that truly matter.
She isn't one to brag, but I have to mention what a wonderful
job she is doing at the Senior Center.  She volunteer's each
week sharing God's word.  She has found time to bring little
bows to some, a cheerful smile to others, and the word of God
to all.  Her family and friends who attended her birthday
truly came to say how much they loved her.  My mom's life is
rich, not by what we measure as riches, but by what God has
intended for our lives.  I only hope that I can follow in those footsteps.

Rob's only picture at this event. Jessie had two basketball
games on Oma's birthday.  We had her miss one, but Rob left
to take her to the second one.  Jessie and Rob were bummed about
leaving, but a commitment is one we honor.  The compromise allowed
them to attend for awhile while still meeting her b-ball commitments.
While Rob and Jessie were there, they made sure to take advantage of the BBQ.