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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Only at the Hobbs' House!


I know it has been awhile, and I could go on and on about how life is extremely busy, but that would just bore you.  Instead, I decided to capture a little "Hobbs Fun" by creating a video using the easy to work with program Animoto.  Further blogs are in the process, but for now, ENJOY!

Click on link below:
Only at the Hobbs' House!

Friday, December 23, 2011


There are times when I look at my life and wonder "Why me?"  I feel extremely blessed to be a wife who is cherished, a mother to three beautiful souls, a daughter to parents who are admired for their good deeds, and a child of God who has blessed me in more ways than I could ever imagine.  It is during this time of the year that takes me back to that question "Why me?"  My question won't be easily answered, nor do I expect an answer, but I know that during my time on Earth I am to embrace the gifts that I have been given and cherish the time that I have.   

We are so Blessed...

Our horse was a white beauty!

The lights were spectacular.

Every year we visit Downtown Denver to view the lights from a horse carriage.

Traditions create a lifetime of memories!

Such a good Daddy!

The sweetness in the candy shop must have rubbed off!

More Traditions...
Each year we gather with close friends to participate in a Christmas exchange. This year the event took place at the Simmons' house.

Peyton enjoys the youngest to oldest rule!

Rob brings laughter to the party...moments that are unforgettable!

The present that keeps coming back each year.  It is the one present you DON'T want to get.  Luckily we escaped it again this year!  Sorry Tricia...another year of bad luck!:)

Gotta love him!

Cookies, Cookies, and MORE Cookies!  Oma and Opa bake with the kids every year.  The more the Merrier!

The girls are dedicated...can't you tell?  They inherited my passion for cooking!

Packaged and ready to EAT!

Oma invited us to the nursing home to sing carols for the residents.  It was a humbling experience and one that made me thankful for the gifts I have been given.  Being with this group was inspiring.  

The girls sang and handed out small gifts to the residents.  I was in charge of pictures. 

Above is my mom's good friend Libby (yes, we share the same name.)  She is graceful and has a wonderful gift of being able to work with people of need.  I can see why my mom and Libby are such great friends; they have a lot in common. 

Thanksgiving Firsts

Thanksgiving was very different this year for both sides of our family.  Usually Rob and I visit our families on this day, but this year we were surprised with a trip to Disneyland.  As many of you know, Rob and I live only ten minutes (if that) from both sets of our family.  We chose to do this because we wanted our children to experience the importance of life, family connections.  This also means that the holidays can get a little tricky.  Being out of town on Thanksgiving meant that we were going to switch a few traditions; this was a first for all of us.  This year we celebrated Thanksgiving a week early with my family and left for Disneyland the Tuesday before Thanksgiving to spend it with Rob's family (Grandma, Grandpa, Dawna, and Taylor.) Another first was not having Cameron with us.  Cameron decided not to go on the Disneyland trip, instead, he went to Devyn's house for Thanksgiving and visited Oma and Opa for a second time.  We missed him dearly, but knew this day would eventually come.

The food and company took priority which left me with only picture from our Thanksgiving dinner at Oma and Opa's house.  We spent the day eating, playing games, and enjoying the conversations.
 Let it be noted, that the girls won the games again (I think this was the third year in a row)--we aren't competitive, my team simply plays to win!  GO GIRLS!

 Disneyland Trip

Our trip started on the road...we sang, slept, watched movies, and Daddy drove!

When we arrived, we pulled in at the same time as Grandma, Grandpa and Taylor.  After we checked in, we were off to the park. Dawna flew in later that night.

The lights, the ornaments, and sheer size was a testament of Disney's ability to make things magical!
Grand California Hotel (with cousin Taylor...he has a great smile!) The kids had a lot of fun together.

Mommy and Jessie waiting to get onto Space Mountain...first ride of the day!
Sitting back and relaxing at the end of the day...getting older isn't as much fun as I thought it would be!

Grandma and Missy enjoyed themselves on numerous rides. cute--especially the big kid in the middle!

The Christmas Parade was like no other.  The kids were enjoying themselves with Grandma; they all looked like a bunch of kids on Christmas day (amazed with the lights, the characters, the music, and excitement.)

Sisterly love!

Poor Grandpa went on Splash Mountain with the girls; they screamed, yelled, cried, and ended the ride laughing away the tears.  Jessie even said that she wanted to go again...girls!  Grandpa was a trooper and tried to calm them down throughout the entire ride.

The girls survived, but Missy clams she will never ride Splash Mountain again!
Missy getting sympathy from her Daddy!

We had Thanksgiving dinner at Steak House 55.  The dinner was delicious and the desserts were even better.  Jessie is a girl after my own heart...she ordered a chocolate cake that had endless layers of chocolate delight in every bite!

My dessert was so pretty, I didn't want to eat it.  When I did take a bite, it tasted better than it looked--YUM!
Going to Disneyland during Thanksgiving was a first for our family,
a first that will be cherished for years to come.  Thank you!

Happy Halloween!

I'm a little behind on posting; so I thought I would start where I left off, October.  Cameron and Missy are no longer trick-or-treating, but still enjoy handing out candy with Daddy.  Jess and I went around the neighborhood with dear friends.
Jessie with her lifetime friends, Brittney and Peyton.

Oma, Jacoby, Addison, and Jessie (she loves being a big-cousin.)

Yes, Jessie picked the costume and yes, it took a while to wrap her up!

The trunk we decorated.
Jessie handing out candy.

Every year I help out with the Trunk-or-Treat event at my school and Jessie has found great pleasure in volunteering for this event as well.

Monday, October 10, 2011

September...Where did it go?

September flew by...

The start to a new year always brings in craziness for both our home life and work schedules.  The kids are back in school, soccer schedules fill up each evening, basketball is up and going, and choir schedules are back on the calendar.  School however, is a top priority and all of our kiddos are doing a wonderful job so far.  Jessie was the first of her class to receive a "Great Grizzly" for being a thoughtful student.  The principal called home to share in the great news (he even sent me a scanned copy of the certificate-perks for working in the district.)  Missy has all A's and is going to have her first choir performance this Tuesday.  College life for Cameron has suited him well.  His writing continues to amaze me--he truly is gifted in this area and that's not the mom in me talking. Devyn and him are still together and going strong.  We are lucky to be blessed with such an amazing girl in Cameron's life (she is faith driven, educated, and goal orientated.)

Looking back, September brought us many highlights...
We went to Red Rocks a couple of days before
Cameron's first day of school to make sure
he knew where his classes were located.
After attending his fire science classes,
Cameron knew he was going into a profession that
he would love for the rest of his life.
 Happy 18th Birthday Cameron!
Finally Cameron turns 18.  He has always been the baby
of his class and is excited to finally be an "adult" or at least that's what he thinks!
Morning of Cameron's birthday, September 4, 2011.  It has
been a family tradition to wake up at 5:00 am to open presents.
I don't know how this got started, but here we are in the basement
opening presents at the crack of dawn.

Happy 11th Birthday Jessie!
Rise and shine, little Jessica.
A couple of days later, Jessie receives her wake up call.
 Happy Birthday Jessie, September 7, 2011. 
She has been waiting for an Ipod
touch and was ecstatic to finally receive one.
 It's rough being the youngest.

Cameron's 18th Birthday and Jessie's 11th with family at
Outback...yummm!  I took pictures with my Iphone..
sorry about the eyes looking a little zombie like.

Happy 60th Birthday Mom!
Oma turned 60 and celebrated with
family and dear friends. 

Family photos... 

Keltch's Gather Around.
My mom is so darn cute...she
truly loves the life God has given her.  She cherishes the small
things in life as they are the things that truly matter.
She isn't one to brag, but I have to mention what a wonderful
job she is doing at the Senior Center.  She volunteer's each
week sharing God's word.  She has found time to bring little
bows to some, a cheerful smile to others, and the word of God
to all.  Her family and friends who attended her birthday
truly came to say how much they loved her.  My mom's life is
rich, not by what we measure as riches, but by what God has
intended for our lives.  I only hope that I can follow in those footsteps.

Rob's only picture at this event. Jessie had two basketball
games on Oma's birthday.  We had her miss one, but Rob left
to take her to the second one.  Jessie and Rob were bummed about
leaving, but a commitment is one we honor.  The compromise allowed
them to attend for awhile while still meeting her b-ball commitments.
While Rob and Jessie were there, they made sure to take advantage of the BBQ.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

American Idol

Missy started singing before she knew how to speak.  She has always enjoyed music and has taught herself how to play both the piano and guitar by listening to notes.  Missy started to try-out for talent shows and church productions at the age of five.  Her elementary teacher nominated her for the Children's Coral and everyone who hears her sing tells her she has talent.  Unfortunately, soccer has competed for her attention.  Singing was placed on the back burner for many years.  Missy still sings, but it is done casually.  Recently, my mom informed me of a conversation that she had with Missy.  She told me that Missy thinks I only see her as a soccer player and not as a singer.  As a mom, my stomach dropped.  I didn't want her thinking that I didn't respect her talent.  I told her that I will help her pursue any dream she desires.  American Idol was coming to Denver, and Missy told me that she had always wanted to try-out.  She just turned 15 and was now able to attend the auditions, so we decided to give it a shot.  Our schedule started off with a month of rehearsals, singing to small audiences, and figuring out more about the show (I had never watched an episode before getting her ready for the auditions.)   

Day of registration:  We arrived at Invesco Field at in the morning to get a chance to register.  Registration started at and due to our early arrival, Missy made it through!

Day of auditions:  We arrived at Invesco at and started production at .  Missy was enthralled with the talent and personalities that surrounded her.  Many who saw her thought she was too young to try-out, many gave her kudos for being brave enough to go through the experience, and many enjoyed her voice.  Finally rolled around and it was time for auditions.  She was trying out against Disney experts and 6,000 other hopefuls.  Missy was placed in groups of four.  Each member was asked to step forward and start singing.  Missy didn't make it to the final 10, but the judges spoke directly to her (doesn't usually happen.)  They told her that she had an amazing voice, but that she looked a little young for what they were going for this year.  When she walked toward me at the end of her audition, I couldn't be more proud to have a daughter who is confident in herself, who was able to look fear in the face in order to conquer it, and who was able to follow a dream.  As she reached me, I hugged her tight and told her how much I admired her.  We both shed a few tears, and then came the cameras.  Being camera shy, I quickly tried to dodge them, but Missy embraced the moment.  She spoke well and informed them that she gave it her all, but it wasn't enough this time around.  Missy also told them she would be back.  After we got into the car she told me she wasn't sure if this was her dream any longer.  She wanted to try-out for some local competitions before tackling American Idol again.  Missy was thankful to have experienced this moment, and it was a wonderful experience for the both of us to have in our pocket of mother and daughter moments.  Thanks to everyone who supported her.  I believe this is why she is who she is today! 

Fun photos from the experience:
Morning of auditions-staying true to herself, not getting too glammed up!


Just made it into Invesco...heading for our seats.


Waiting for auditions.

Audition Tents

Fun personalities...

The crowds seemed endless.