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Friday, December 23, 2011


There are times when I look at my life and wonder "Why me?"  I feel extremely blessed to be a wife who is cherished, a mother to three beautiful souls, a daughter to parents who are admired for their good deeds, and a child of God who has blessed me in more ways than I could ever imagine.  It is during this time of the year that takes me back to that question "Why me?"  My question won't be easily answered, nor do I expect an answer, but I know that during my time on Earth I am to embrace the gifts that I have been given and cherish the time that I have.   

We are so Blessed...

Our horse was a white beauty!

The lights were spectacular.

Every year we visit Downtown Denver to view the lights from a horse carriage.

Traditions create a lifetime of memories!

Such a good Daddy!

The sweetness in the candy shop must have rubbed off!

More Traditions...
Each year we gather with close friends to participate in a Christmas exchange. This year the event took place at the Simmons' house.

Peyton enjoys the youngest to oldest rule!

Rob brings laughter to the party...moments that are unforgettable!

The present that keeps coming back each year.  It is the one present you DON'T want to get.  Luckily we escaped it again this year!  Sorry Tricia...another year of bad luck!:)

Gotta love him!

Cookies, Cookies, and MORE Cookies!  Oma and Opa bake with the kids every year.  The more the Merrier!

The girls are dedicated...can't you tell?  They inherited my passion for cooking!

Packaged and ready to EAT!

Oma invited us to the nursing home to sing carols for the residents.  It was a humbling experience and one that made me thankful for the gifts I have been given.  Being with this group was inspiring.  

The girls sang and handed out small gifts to the residents.  I was in charge of pictures. 

Above is my mom's good friend Libby (yes, we share the same name.)  She is graceful and has a wonderful gift of being able to work with people of need.  I can see why my mom and Libby are such great friends; they have a lot in common. 

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