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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Keystone Training

       The conference lodge
                                                      The view from my room.
                                                                                               I worked...promise!

As many of you know, last year my school was chosen to be the first elementary school in Adams 12 to start the IB program; this is a three year process before receiving accreditation—we are starting year two.  Being on the Core Team (leadership) for my school, I have traveled to Florida (last year for a week) and now Keystone for various trainings.  My job is to soak up as much information as possible and bring that information back to our staff.  This year I went up with several other people who are specializing in different areas, and they too will share the responsibility of teaching the staff new information.  The best part about both trainings, was the wealth of knowledge that I received...okay, the traveling wasn't that bad either (except for being away from Rob and the kids.)  Both places that I have visited have their own unique beauty, but, I have to admit that I am a little partial to my home state.  While up in Keystone, I was reminded of how beautiful we have it here in Colorado.  Rob and I have a condo up in this area, so I have seen these mountain sides numerous times; however, I find myself breathless each time I visit!

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