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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Senior Prom

Senior Prom 2011

Cameron attended Prom with Devyn, his girlfriend.

 Garrett and Cameron have been friends since they were in Kindergarten.  Friendships like this last a lifetime or as Cam would say, "He is my Bro-ha."
 Our baby is growing up...tears fall AGAIN!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Colorado Cup

 Jessie's team took second in the tournament.  They were defending champions and fell short to the team they took the title from last year.  Being second in state isn't a record that should keep anyone's head down, but let's just say, Jessie is ready to see this team again next year.

Friday, April 8, 2011

18 Years Who's Counting?

Counting years...we would rather count moments.  Years seem too definitive, absolute, or maybe a feeling of accomplishment.  We treasure moments because they are endless, they last a lifetime, and they are unforgettable. We both agree that from the moment we met, we knew we were more than just attracted to each other, we were best friends.  Just like many of our anniversaries, our day was spent with each other, enjoying each other's company, and doing the things we love to do (soccer games with the entire family, discussing Cam's new weightlifting regiment, going out to lunch, and ending with working in the yard.)  We have found that the simple moments have defined our marriage and that seems to define who we are as well. Eighteen years is only the beginning of many more we plan to have together, our true hopes are that our daily cherished moments will last many lifetimes. 
Sorry about the picture, I think this is the only picture I have of myself (Thanks Brown Family!) 
I'm either taking the pictures or dodging them!

Senior Pictures

Did you hear that Cameron received a letter?  As many of you know, Cameron is quiet and doesn't like to make a fuss about things.  We aren’t big on making fusses either; however, we couldn't let this go unnoticed.  Cameron lettered in academics—yeah, ya-hoo!  Receiving the Presidential award several years ago was such an honor, but then Cam went through some stretching pains last year.  We weren't sure about his direction.  Not to worry, he is back to the goal driven Cameron we know him to be.  Not only has he received academic success, but he has also chosen his college and career.  Cam plans to attend Red Rocks Community College because it has the best firefighting program in Colorado.  He will continue to work at Old Chicago for now, but plans to do some volunteer work with various fire departments over the summer.   I can’t believe that in four more weeks Cam will complete High School.  Tears fall every time I think of it (our baby grew up too fast!)   
 Enjoy some of Cameron's senior pictures.  Thank you Justin (my very talented brother) for doing such an AMAZING job!

Weekend In Wyoming

Missy, Carly, Tricia, and I all went up to Wyoming for a weekend of Turf Wars.  This tournament was nothing like any other tournament we have attended. It was held in one large gym at the Wyoming College.  They split the gym up into six soccer fields which meant that twelve teams were playing in one gym.  We all started and stopped our games at the same time.  These games were quick; which made the girls work on their touches in small spaces and pick up their pace of play.  The team did very well in this tournament.  Missy then went onto her next tournament which was held in Las Vegas (not my favorite place to send Missy, but the high level of competition was hard to pass up.) 

 Carly and Missy getting ready for the game.  The rest of the pictures???  I was so caught up in the games that I forgot to take pictures.  My family, (the picture family) I'm sure is proud---sorry!

Arizona Pictures

 Daddy and girls at the airport.

Daddy sleeping on the plane...thank goodness he isn't snoring!
Hotel was beautiful...the girls loved the seven pools.

Jessie's team is made up of very talented little girls who all have beautiful spirits on and off the field.  They went on their first out of state tournament and learned a great deal about home team advantage.  Their biggest struggle was the difference in fields.  Arizona's fields are extremely dry and bumpy.  To say the least, we are spoiled here in Colorado. The team enjoyed their first tournament as it was used for an introduction to regular season.  Jessie can't wait for her next one...

Friend of a friend owned a hotdog shop that we ate at between games.  The owners had a hotdog suit for those who wanted to go out and wave on the side of the road to see who could receive the most honks.  The girls didn't hesitate; they were determined to receive the most honks anyone had received yet.  They eagerly put on the suits.  Chloe, Kyla, and Jessie all waved the sign, danced, and tried to get as much attention as they could...they loved every minute of it and yes they received more honks than anyone else (just a little competitive!)