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Friday, April 8, 2011

Arizona Pictures

 Daddy and girls at the airport.

Daddy sleeping on the plane...thank goodness he isn't snoring!
Hotel was beautiful...the girls loved the seven pools.

Jessie's team is made up of very talented little girls who all have beautiful spirits on and off the field.  They went on their first out of state tournament and learned a great deal about home team advantage.  Their biggest struggle was the difference in fields.  Arizona's fields are extremely dry and bumpy.  To say the least, we are spoiled here in Colorado. The team enjoyed their first tournament as it was used for an introduction to regular season.  Jessie can't wait for her next one...

Friend of a friend owned a hotdog shop that we ate at between games.  The owners had a hotdog suit for those who wanted to go out and wave on the side of the road to see who could receive the most honks.  The girls didn't hesitate; they were determined to receive the most honks anyone had received yet.  They eagerly put on the suits.  Chloe, Kyla, and Jessie all waved the sign, danced, and tried to get as much attention as they could...they loved every minute of it and yes they received more honks than anyone else (just a little competitive!)  

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