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Friday, April 8, 2011

18 Years Who's Counting?

Counting years...we would rather count moments.  Years seem too definitive, absolute, or maybe a feeling of accomplishment.  We treasure moments because they are endless, they last a lifetime, and they are unforgettable. We both agree that from the moment we met, we knew we were more than just attracted to each other, we were best friends.  Just like many of our anniversaries, our day was spent with each other, enjoying each other's company, and doing the things we love to do (soccer games with the entire family, discussing Cam's new weightlifting regiment, going out to lunch, and ending with working in the yard.)  We have found that the simple moments have defined our marriage and that seems to define who we are as well. Eighteen years is only the beginning of many more we plan to have together, our true hopes are that our daily cherished moments will last many lifetimes. 
Sorry about the picture, I think this is the only picture I have of myself (Thanks Brown Family!) 
I'm either taking the pictures or dodging them!

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